Development process

Here is some information about Paradox's development process. Here I'm going to list all important days and events etc.


-2.9.2007 Project slowed down because of start of upper secondary school. Ussa is making graphics for level 7. One bug update for version 0.33 and minro changes in game and website. -9.6.2007 Project continued.
-4.2007 Project froze because of lack of time.
15.3.2007 Test release. Included levels 1-5. Known as version "0.5", although it should have been "0.33".
-1.2007 Project was started. Fire Dragon asked Ussa to make graphics for his game idea.


I got idea for Paradox in january 2007 after I found out some great point & click games which inspired me. These games made me think that this game genre is pretty interesting and I started thinking how to make one myself. Then one day I asked my friend Ussa to make some graphics for this game idea. He answered yes and I drew the first level. A couple days later I had programmed the first level and we decided to make more.

After we had made a couple of levels I started to think for a story for our game. I thought that it should have some kind of a storyline. It took me maybe two months to produce an interesting story. My friends JiiKoo and Sepi helped a little bit and I talked with vovo much about it in MSN.

Layout ©Kag-e and contenst ©Fire Dragon