General info

Probably you have encountered some point & click games before. Usually these games are mostly the type of solving different mysteries and puzzles. There are some commercial adventure games like Myst serie and Syberia. In my opinion, point & click games can offer something what no other game type has. Paradox is a point & click game which I and my friend Ussa started in January 2007. Paradox will have 16 levels. Each of the levels will have bigger and smaller puzzles to solve. Paradox has also a storyline which will divide into two parts, depending on how player chooses in the certain part of game. Both parts will reveal a half from the whole story so the player must play game twice if he/she wants to know the whole mystery.


Gameplay in Paradox is mostly mouse-based. Clicking things, searching useful items, using items wisely, reading what character says about the furniture, items etc. Sometimes the player must use keyboard to write codes and passwords etc.
The player's goal is to try to solve all the puzzles in the level and to move to the next level. To reach this goal, the player must search for required items and find out how to use them with different objects and machines in level. Levels are usually groups of rooms. The first levels are smaller but when the player gets further in game, the sizes of the levels will grow.
The same thing simplified: you need a mouse, a keyboard and brains. Hopefully you have all these important gadgets allready. I can't offer them to you.

System requirements

We haven't tested the game yet so we can't offer any detailed information about requirements. However, you will need at least:
-Windows 98SE or newer. Note: This game doesn't support Windows Vista yet. Support will be added when the game is completed.
-DirectX 8.0 or newer.
We will add more information after we start the more detailed testing. Sorry.

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